About Akron Promise


About the Akron Promise City Series:
Started in 2022, the Akron Promise "City Series" aims to promote health, exploration of our city, growth and support the various participant organizations throughout Akron. Please consider participating (in person, virtually, or as a volunteer) in as many as you can. Medals will be awarded to people who participate in at least five of the events.

About Akron Promise:
Akron Promise was founded in 2016 by Tom and Daralee Ghinder. Akron Promise facilitates success in our city, our schools and our families to make Akron the community of choice to live, work and educate our children. We do this by helping students and families access appropriate educational supports, resources, and opportunities. To donate to Akron Promise or to learn more about the organization, visit www.akronpromise.org.